If all your permanent teeth are intact, consider yourself lucky, but if you’re one of the millions of Americans who have lost at least one of their teeth, you know about the effect it can have. Missing teeth can make you feel self-conscious about your smile, and it also makes you want to withdraw from social interactions because you don’t want to be embarrassed. Thankfully, your implant dentist in Orlando can offer a permanent tooth replacement solution that resembles the strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal of real teeth. They come in the form of dental implants. Let’s find out more.

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What are the Different Types of Dental Implants?

Endosteal or Endosseous Implants

Dental implant placement can be placed in two categories: endosteal and subperiosteal. The most common method used in placing dental implants is endosteal. This procedure is often used as a substitute for a removable denture or a dental bridge.In this procedure, holes will be drilled in your jawbone to insert the biocompatible screws. In terms of stability, they offer the most stable foundation for your artificial teeth.

Subperiosteal Implants

The second type of dental implant placement is called a subperiosteal implant. Subperiosteal implants are placed within your gums over the jawbone. The metal part is exposed to the surface of the gums to anchor the denture.

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Do You Need to See an Implant Dentist in Orlando?

Do you wish to have your missing teeth replaced with dental implants? If yes, consider this your lucky day! At Altamonte Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer a wide array of affordable dental treatments that aim to restore your oral health. Fill out our form to schedule an appointment.

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